Meet the Walt Disney of Marketingđź’« John Dwyer from The Institute of WOW

The Digital Tradie Podcast | Episode 15

G’day, legends!

Today I’ve got a cracker of a story for you. I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with John Dwyer, the mastermind behind the Institute of WOW, for an episode of The Digital Tradie. If you haven’t heard of John, you’re in for a treat. This bloke’s worked with the likes of Michael Jordan, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Princess Di. Yep, you heard that right—royalty and all!

But what’s more important is how John’s epic marketing strategies can turn your trade business into the go-to choice for customers. So, grab a cold one and let’s dive into some of the golden nuggets he shared.

The “Wow Factor”: Not Just for Happy Meals

Ever heard of the “wow factor”? If not, it’s time to add it to your toolbox. John’s all about creating memorable experiences that make your customers say, “Wow!” Think about it—when was the last time a customer raved about getting their downlights installed? Probably never. But what if you threw in something extra, like a freebie or a surprise discount? Suddenly, you’re not just another tradie—you’re the legend they won’t stop talking about.

John shared a killer story about how he helped a solar guy double his business. The secret? A cheeky little holiday giveaway that had customers signing on the dotted line faster than a Bunnings sausage sizzle sells out. It’s all about giving your clients a reason to choose you over the next bloke, and sometimes that reason is as simple as a free trip to the Gold Coast.

Beating the Big Boys with Clever Marketing

John’s got a knack for helping the underdog take on the big players. He’s all about using clever marketing tactics that the big boys can’t—or won’t—do. For example, he helped a small building society take on the banks by offering a free holiday with every home loan. Sounds simple, right? But the results were off the charts. They doubled their home loans in three months and tripled them in a year. Imagine what a similar approach could do for your business!

The takeaway here? Don’t just compete on price. Compete on value. Whether it’s a freebie, a loyalty program, or just top-notch customer service, find a way to offer something your competitors can’t. And if you can make it fun or cheeky, even better. We’re tradies, not robots—our clients should know that!

The $2.2 Million Mistake: A Hard Lesson Learned

It’s not all smooth sailing in the world of marketing, and John Dwyer knows this firsthand. One of his most jaw-dropping stories involves losing $2.2 million in just one week—yep, you read that right.

Here’s what happened: John’s company was printing trading cards for big names like Disney. But one of his staff made a massive mistake, printing the cards in the wrong order. When the packs hit the stores, kids kept getting the same six cards over and over. Parents were furious, complaints flooded in, and John had to pull all the cards from the shelves. The timing couldn’t have been worse—it was just before Mother’s Day, and the financial hit was so big that John and his family had to leave their home.

The takeaway? Always double-check your work, especially when big money’s at stake. Mistakes happen, but how you handle them is what really matters.

We lost 2.2 million in one week!

John Dwyer – The Institute of WOW

Storytime with Seinfeld

One of my favourite parts of the chat was when John talked about getting Jerry Seinfeld on board for a marketing campaign. Now, I don’t know about you, but I never thought a comedian would be promoting a building society! But that’s exactly what happened. After six months of persistence, John convinced Jerry to be the face of their campaign, and the results were nothing short of legendary.

The lesson here? Persistence pays off. Whether you’re chasing a big contract or just trying to get a customer to pick up the phone, don’t give up. Keep at it, and you might just land your own version of Seinfeld—whatever that looks like in your world.

John Dwyer – Key Takeaways for Tradies

5 Tips to Wow Your Clients and Boost Your Trade Business

Now, I’m not going to leave you hanging without some actionable tips. Here are five top takeaways from my chat with John Dwyer that you can start using today:

  1. Create a “Wow” Moment: It doesn’t take much—a small freebie, a handwritten thank you note, or even a follow-up call can make a big impression. Give your clients something to remember you by, and they’ll keep coming back.
  2. Use Incentives to Close Deals: John’s example of the holiday giveaway is pure gold. Consider what incentives you could offer that won’t break the bank but will add huge perceived value for your customers.
  3. Think Like a Challenger: If you’re not the biggest name in your trade, don’t try to beat the big boys at their own game. Instead, find ways to differentiate yourself with creative offers, stellar customer service, or unique marketing tactics.
  4. Leverage Testimonials: Got a happy client? Don’t let that gold go to waste. Use testimonials in your marketing to build trust and show potential customers why they should choose you.
  5. Persistence is Key: Whether you’re trying to land a big job or get your marketing right, don’t give up at the first hurdle. Stick with it, tweak your approach if needed, and keep going. You’ll get there.

So, What’s the Wrap?

Here’s the deal. If you want your trade business to stand out, you’ve got to do more than just show up on time and do a good job. You need to wow your clients, think outside the box, and maybe even throw in a cheeky incentive or two. John Dwyer’s marketing wisdom is pure gold, and if you take a page out of his book, you’ll be leaving your competition in the dust.

So, next time you’re quoting a job, think about what you can do to make your customer say, “Wow!” And remember, it doesn’t have to be expensive—it just has to be memorable.

Until next time, keep smashing it out there and stay tuned for more tips and stories to help you take your trade business to the next level. Cheers!

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Picture of David List

David List

G'day ya LEGEND! I'm an Tradie of almost 20 years (sparky to be exact), who started to make videos on YouTube, TikTok and LinkedIn, as a way of passing on my knowledge. One thing lead to another and I realised I could make more impact helping Tradies with my own business. So, LIST Media and Trade Magnet were born! Helping Tradies Convert with Online Content.

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