FREE Business Name Generator for Tradies

Starting a new Trade Business? You bloody LEGEND💪
Use our FREE Business Name Generator to get some inspiration.

How To

  1. Pick your Keywords – We recommend starting with one, such as “Electrician” and build from there.
  2. Check the Domain – Check that the domain for your new business name isn’t already taken. Just click the name and GoDaddy can validate your domain.
  3. Check Name Avaliblity – Confirm that you name is not the same or similar to someone elses of at ASIC.

Good luck mate, the world needs more LEGENARY trade businesses👍

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Picture of David List

David List

G'day ya LEGEND! I'm an Tradie of almost 20 years (sparky to be exact), who started to make videos on YouTube, TikTok and LinkedIn, as a way of passing on my knowledge. One thing lead to another and I realised I could make more impact helping Tradies with my own business. So, LIST Media and Trade Magnet were born! Helping Tradies Convert with Online Content.

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