Inside the World of Electrical Inspections⚡with Matt Shovelton from MWS Inspections

The Digital Tradie Podcast | Episode 14

G’day legend!

In this episode of the Digital Tradie I chat with Matt Shovelton from MWS Inspections. Now, if you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be the bloke running around in the rain, making sure the power comes back on after a storm, this one’s for you.

So, why become an inspector?

I remember asking Matt this right off the bat. You see, most of us think being an inspector is all about taking a pay cut and working double time—at least that’s what one inspector had a laugh about when Matt first considered the gig. And you know what? It’s kinda true. But there’s so much more to it than that.

The Craziest Defect Ever Seen

One of the highlights of our chat? Matt shared the funniest (and craziest) defect he’s ever seen on the job. Picture this: a tradie, all smiles, finished installing a brand-new switchboard and mains. Everything’s going swimmingly until Matt asks, “Where’s the meter panel?” The smile drops faster than a spanner from a greasy hand. It’s like forgetting to put the cheese in a cheese sandwich—it’s just not right! But hey, that’s what keeps the job interesting, right?

Where’s the Meter Panel?

Matt Shovelton – MWS Inspections

From Apprentice to Legend

Matt’s journey to becoming an inspector is pretty legendary. He started in his early 30s, thinking he’d soak up all the knowledge from the older inspectors before they moved on. Fast forward 10 years, and he’s seen it all—from dodgy cable installs to full-on power outages that needed more than just a quick fix.

He’s also got some strong opinions on apprenticeships. If you’re in high school and thinking about a trade, Matt reckons you should stick it out till Year 12. Get some maturity under your belt before you jump into the deep end. But once you’re in, mate, the trade world is your oyster.

Matt Shovelton – MWS Inspections

5 Tips for Tradies

Before we wrap up, here are 5 tips that Matt and I think every tradie should keep in their back pocket:

  1. Stay Organized with Job Management Tools: Whether it’s an app like GeoOp or something else, having a system to manage your jobs is crucial. It keeps everything running smoothly and helps you avoid those “Oh, crap!” moments on site.
  2. Keep Your Google My Business Profile Updated: This is your digital shopfront. Post regularly, respond to reviews, and make sure your info is up to date. It’s an easy way to show potential clients that you’re active and ready for work.
  3. Invest in Quality Tools: Don’t skimp on your gear. Whether it’s a top-notch insulation tester or a reliable van, having quality tools means you can do your job right the first time, every time.
  4. Never Stop Learning: The trade industry is always evolving. Keep up with the latest standards, get your CPD hours in, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. The more you know, the better you’ll be at your job—and the more respect you’ll earn on site.
  5. Send Out Regular Newsletters: Keep your clients in the loop and remind them you’re still around. A simple newsletter can lead to repeat business. It’s cheaper to keep a customer than to find a new one, so make sure you’re top of mind when they need something done.

The Power of Newsletters

Newsletters are a simple yet powerful tool to keep your business in your clients’ minds. Sending out a regular update—whether it’s sharing tips, showcasing recent projects, or just saying g’day—helps you stay relevant and builds trust (Psst… Trade Magnet can help with this) Clients are more likely to reach out when they see your name pop up in their inbox regularly. Plus, it’s a great way to encourage referrals and keep that work pipeline flowing.


Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been in the trade for years, there’s always something new to learn and ways to improve your game. Matt’s journey from tradie to inspector is a solid reminder that growth in this industry comes from staying curious, building strong relationships, and keeping up with the latest tools and trends. So, take these tips to heart, keep hustling, and never stop learning. And remember—create some legendary content while you’re at it!

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Picture of David List

David List

G'day ya LEGEND! I'm an Tradie of almost 20 years (sparky to be exact), who started to make videos on YouTube, TikTok and LinkedIn, as a way of passing on my knowledge. One thing lead to another and I realised I could make more impact helping Tradies with my own business. So, LIST Media and Trade Magnet were born! Helping Tradies Convert with Online Content.

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